Past ITC Meetings
- 14th International Thyroid Congress, Palais Des Congres, Paris, France – September 11-16, 2010
- 13th International Thyroid Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina –
October 30 – November 4, 2005
- 12th International Thyroid Conference, Kyoto, Japan – October 22-27, 2000
- 11th International Thyroid Congresss, Toronto, Ontario, Canada– September 10-15, 1995
- 10th International Thyroid Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands – Feb. 3-8, 1991
- 9th International Thyroid Congress, Sao Paolo, Brazil– September 1-6, 1985
- 8th International Thyroid Congress and 55th Annual ATA, Sydney, Australia – February 3-8, 1980
- 7th International Thyroid Conference, Boston, Massachusetts– June 9-13, 1975
- 6th International Thyroid Conference, Vienna, Austria– June 22-25, 1970
- 5th International Thyroid Conference, Rome– May 23-27, 1965
- The Fourth International Goitre Conference, London– July 5-8, 1960
- Third International Goiter Conference & American Association for the Study of Goiter, Washington, DC– September 12 -14, 1938
- Second International Conference on Goitre , Berne, Switzerland– August, 1933
- First International Conference on Goitre, Berne, Switzerland– August 24-26, 1927