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Latest Impact Factor: 3.784
The Official Journal of: American Thyroid Association®
3-Iodothyronamine Decreases Expression of Genes Involved in Iodide Metabolism in Mouse Thyroids and Inhibits Iodide Uptake in PCCL3 Thyrocytes
Nancy Schanze, Simon Friedrich Jacobi, Eddy Rijntjes, Stefan Mergler, Marta del Olmo, Carolin Stephanie Hoefig, Noushafarin Khajavi, Ina Lehmphul, Heike Biebermann, Jens Mittag, Josef Köhrle
Differences in Brain Glucose Metabolism During Preparation for 131I Ablation in Thyroid Cancer Patients: Thyroid Hormone Withdrawal Versus Recombinant Human Thyrotropin
Hyeonseok S. Jeong, Eun Kyoung Choi, In-Uk Song, Yong-An Chung, Jong-Sik Park, Jin Kyoung Oh
RAS Mutations, and RET/PTC and PAX8/PPAR-gamma Chromosomal Rearrangements Are Also Prevalent in Benign Thyroid Lesions: Implications Thereof and A Systematic Review
Alireza Najafian, Salem Noureldine, Faris Azar, Chady Atallah, Gina Trinh, Eric B. Schneider, Ralph P. Tufano, Martha A. Zeiger
Thyroglobulin Liquid Chromatography—Tandem Mass Spectrometry Has a Low Sensitivity for Detecting Structural Disease in Patients with Antithyroglobulin Antibodies
Umal Azmat, Kyle Porter, Leigha Senter, Matthew D. Ringel, Fadi Nabhan
Lessons Learned After 1000 Cases of Transcutaneous Laryngeal Ultrasound (TLUSG) with Laryngoscopic Validation: Is There a Role of TLUSG in Patients Indicated for Laryngoscopic Examination Before Thyroidectomy?
Kai-Pun Wong, Kin-Pan Au, Shi Lam, Brian Hung-Hin Lang