2017 ATA Annual Alliance for Patient Education Public Health Forum – Saturday, October 21, 2017
October 11, 2017– The public is invited to attend a free public health forum focused on thyroid disease, in which leading physicians will be present to discuss and answer questions about different types of thyroid disorders and symptoms. The informational forum is free and open to the public. Walk-in attendance is welcome although reservations are encouraged. The public forum is sponsored and organized by the American Thyroid Association (ATA) and will take place Saturday, October 21, 2017, 2:00-4:00pm at the The Fairmont Empress, Victoria, BC, Canada. Endocrinologists and Thyroid Patient Support Groups will be available to meet with thyroid patients during the forum.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who has or cares for someone with an overactive or underactive thyroid, thyroiditis, a thyroid nodule, thyroid cancer, or a family history of thyroid problems or related disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile diabetes, pernicious anemia, or prematurely gray hair (starting before age 30).
Do you have questions or concerns about thyroid disease? Have you experienced any of the following symptoms and wonder if they might be related to a thyroid disorder: low energy, memory loss, fatigue, depression, rapid heartbeat, restlessness, infertility, weight or hair changes, or a lump in your neck?
Anyone with questions, symptoms, or concerns about a thyroid problem should join ATA physician experts at the free public form on Saturday, October 21st. Free educational materials will be available.
Do I Need to Register?
Reservations are requested. To register or for more information, please e-mail: thyroid@thyroid.org
(Please indicate in your message the thyroid condition you are most concerned about.)
Walk-ins welcome! Please come if you have questions, symptoms, or concerns about a thyroid problem. More information about thyroid disease and thyroid cancer is available at www.thyroid.org. Join Friends of the ATA and receive news of the latest thyroid research.
Flyer for Printing and Posting (PDF File 136 KB)