Clinical Thyroidology for Patients is a collection of summaries of recently published articles from the medical literature that covers the broad spectrum of thyroid disorders.
Starting with the May 2009 issue, Clinical Thyroidology for Patients will be published on a monthly basis and include summaries of research studies that were discussed in the previous month’s issue of Clinical Thyroidology, a publication of the American Thyroid Association for physicians. Dr. Hershman is the Editor-in-Chief of Clinical
Clinical Thyroidology |
June 2011 Volume 4 Issue 6Now available in pdf format for saving and printing and Web page format for viewing online PDF Format for Saving and Printing TABLE OF CONTENTS – Web Format THYROID CANCER A negative FDG -PET scan excludes the diagnosis of cancer in thyroid nodules >15 mm diameter THYROID CANCER Risk of persistent thyroid cancer in patients with negative thyroglobulin and thyroglobulin antibodies performed on some commercial tests THYROID CANCER Implications of bisphosphonate use in thyroid cancer related bone metastatic disease THYROID NODULES A review of the diagnostic accuracy of thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy THYROID NODULES A study about the risk of thyroid cancer in thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy specimens read as suspicious THYROID AND PREGNANCY The placenta can store different amounts of iodine during pregnancy HYPOTHYROIDISM High doses of soy phytoestrogen are a risk factor in the progression of subclinical to overt hypothyroidism HYPOTHYROIDISM Diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism in patients with pituitary tumors ATA ALLIANCE FOR THYROID PATIENT EDUCATION