Clinical Thyroidology for Patients is a collection of summaries of recently published articles from the medical literature that covers the broad spectrum of thyroid disorders.
Starting with the May 2009 issue, Clinical Thyroidology for Patients will be published on a monthly basis and include summaries of research studies that were discussed in the previous month’s issue of Clinical Thyroidology, a publication of the American Thyroid Association for physicians. Dr. Hershman is the Editor-in-Chief of Clinical
Clinical Thyroidology |
March 2011 Volume 4 Issue 3Now available in pdf format for saving and printing and Web page format for viewing online PDF Format for Saving and Printing TABLE OF CONTENTS – Web Format THYROID SURGERY Implications of long-term hypocalcemia with normal PTH levels following thyroid surgery RADIOACTIVE IODINE Radioactive iodine practices in the United States THYROID CANCER Nonmedullary thyroid cancer survival is similar regardless of whether it runs in families THYROID CANCER Prediction of thyroid cancer recurrence Kloos RT. Thyroid cancer recurrence in patients clinically free of disease with undetectable or very low serum thyroglobulin values. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010;95:5241-8. Epub September 15, 2010. GRAVES’ DISEASE Management of hyperthyroidism in patients with Graves’ eye disease (orbitopathy) Elbers L, Mourits M, and Wiersinga W. Outcome of very long-term treatment with antithyroid drugs in Graves’ hyperthyroidism associated with Graves’ orbitopathy. Thyroid, December 29, 2011. doi: 10.1089/thy.2010.0181. THYROID CANCER Does analysis for the BRAF cancer-associated gene help diagnose follicular variant thyroid cancer? HIGHLIGHT: The Light of Life Foundation ATA ALLIANCE FOR THYROID PATIENT EDUCATION