Clinical Thyroidology for Patients is a collection of summaries of recently published articles from the medical literature that covers the broad spectrum of thyroid disorders.
Starting with the May 2009 issue, Clinical Thyroidology for Patients will be published on a monthly basis and include summaries of research studies that were discussed in the previous month’s issue of Clinical Thyroidology, a publication of the American Thyroid Association for physicians. Dr. Mazzaferri is the Editor-in-Chief of Clinical
October 2009 Volume 2 Issue 6
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Clinical Thyroidology for Patients October 2009 Volume 2 Issue 6 (PDF file, 434 KB)
THYROID HORMONE Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Levels Are Altered By The Timing Of Levothyroxine Administration
Bach-Huynh TG et al. Timing of levothyroxine administration affects serum thyrotropin concentration. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2009; July 7, jc.2009-0860 [pii];10.1210/jc.2009-0860 [doi]
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THYROID FUNCTION IN PREGNANCY High Serum HCG Concentrations Cause TSH Suppression But Do Not Lead To Symptoms Of Hyperthyroidism
Lockwood CM et al. Serum human chorionic gonadotropin concentrations greater than 400,000 IU/L are invariably associated with suppressed serum thyrotropin concentrations. Thyroid 2009;19:863-8.
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THYROID CANCER The Best Time For A Posttreatment Whole-Body Scan Is 3 To 6 Days After Therapeutic Radioiodine Is Administered For The Treatment Of Thyroid Cancer
Hung BT et al. Appropriate time for post-therapeutic I-131 whole body scan. Clin Nucl Med 2009;34:339-42.
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Higher Serum TSH Levels Correlate With A Higher Incidence Of Thyroid Cancer And Spread of Cancer Outside The Neck In Older Patients
Haymart MR, et al. Higher serum TSH in thyroid cancer patients occurs independent of age and correlates with extrathyroidal extension. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2009;71:434-9
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THYROID CANCER Surgery For Thyroid Cancer Increases The Survival Rate And Enhances The Quality Of Life Of Elderly Patients Providing They Are Well Enough To Tolerate Surgery
Matsuyama H et al. Indications for thyroid cancer surgery in elderly patients Surg Today 2009;39:652-657.
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HIGHLIGHT — ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association 12th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference