Thyroid hormone has major effects on the heart. It is well known that changes in thyroid hormone levels affect heart rate, heart muscle contractions and heart rhythms. Previous studies have shown that high and high-normal thyroid hormone levels are independently associated with increased risk of heart disease and death in middle-aged and older adults. However, the mechanisms by which this occurs are complex and not completely understood. This study examined whether certain clotting factors, such as von Willenbrand factor, ADAMTS13 and fibrinogen, play a role in the association of thyroid function with heart events and death.
Bano A et al 2019 Thyroid function and cardiovascular disease: the mediating role of coagulation factors. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104:3203–3212. PMID: 30938758.
The study included 5,918 adults aged 55 years and older selected from the Rotterdam Study, a population-based study in the Netherlands. Eligible participants included those with serum thyroid function measurements, coagulation data, and complete information on prevalent cardiovascular events and death. Cardiovascular events included heart attack, other heart disease, stroke and death.