Data collection was performed using the Netherlands Cancer Registry to identify patients diagnosed and treated for micropapillary thyroid cancer (≤1 cm) in the Netherlands from January 2005 to December 2015. Patients were categorized into three groups according to the indication for surgery: (1) preoperative biopsy–proven spread into the lymph nodes, (2) micropapillary thyroid cancer identified after surgery for another indication (Graves’ disease, multinodular goiter, etc.), and (3) thyroid nodules <1 cm that had been previously biopsied with cytology read as cancer or suspicious for cancer. Cancer recurrence was assessed in all three groups during follow-up.
A total of 6,477 patients were diagnosed with thyroid cancer during this 11-year period. From this group, 1,018 patients fit the criteria to be analyzed. Overall, micropapillary thyroid cancer accounted for 15.7% of the total number of cases of thyroid cancers in that country. The average cancer size was 6 mm. A total of 152 (14.9%) patients were in group 1, 667 (65.5%) patients in group 2 and 199 (19.5%) patients in group 3. As expected for the usual demographics for thyroid cancer, 75.8% of the group was female with an average age of 50 years. Overall, the rate of cancer recurrence was low (3.8%) over an average follow-up time of 68.7 months.
This study suggests that papillary thyroid microcarcinomas account for substantially lower proportion of thyroid cancer in the Netherlands than that of many other countries, such as the United States. The authors suggest that this is likely due to the more restrictive use of thyroid biopsies in the Netherlands practiced since 2007, leading, therefore, to less frequent detection of thyroid cancers. Overall, an estimated 3% of all patients with papillary thyroid cancer, and about 20% of patients with micropapillary thyroid cancer, would have been candidates for active surveillance in this population. Further study is needed to determine if the overall survival of patients in the Netherlands is affected by these practices.
— Alan P. Farwell, MD