Clinical Thyroidology® for the Public

Volume 18

Clinical Thyroidology® for the Public summarizes selected research studies discussed in the previous month’s issue of Clinical Thyroidology, an official publication of the American Thyroid Association®.

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In this issue Volume 18 Issue 3, the studies ask the following questions:

  • Is there a link between diabetes and weight loss drugs and thyroid cancer?
  • What is the risk for recurrence of Medullary thyroid carcinoma?
  • Is lobectomy an option for patients with Medullary thyroid cancer?
  • Is treatment of hyperthyroidism associated with heart problems?
  • How effective is RFA for treatment of thyroid nodules?
  • Does treatment with iodine before thyroid surgery for Graves’ disease make this surgery safer?

In this issue Volume 18 Issue 2, the studies ask the following questions:

    • Is levothyroxine enough during menopause in hypothyroid women?
    • Do hypothyroid patients prefer T3-containing therapies?
    • How much do thyroid levels change as we age?
    • Is there an increased risk of cancer in patients with Graves’ disease treated with antithyroid drugs?
    • Are thyroid nodules in the isthmus different from nodules in the thyroid lobes?
    • Does thyroidectomy increase survival in patients with medullary thyroid cancer if the cancer has already spread outside of the neck?

Clinical Thyroidology® for the Public Past Issues

2014 – 2024

2011 – 2013

2008 – 2010

Alan P. Farwell, MD, FACE
Boston Medical Center
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine

Editorial Board
Jessie Block-Galaraza, MD, Albany, NY
Gary Bloom, New York, NY
Maria Brito, MD, Dallas, TX
Susana Ebner, MD, New York, NY
Alina Gavrila, MD, MMSC, Boston, MA
Shirin Haddady, MD, MPH, Boston, MA
Sun Lee, MD, Boston, MA
Joanna Miragaya, MD, Holly Springs, GA
Jason D. Prescott, MD PhD, New York, NY
Marjorie Safran, MD, Worcester, MA
Phillip Segal, MD, Toronto, ON, Canada
Vibhavasu Sharma, MD, Albany, NY
Pinar Smith, MD, Chicago, IL
Ebru Sulanc, MD , Detroit, MI
Whitney Woodmansee, MD, Gainesville, FL

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Published monthly and distributed free of charge to Friends of the ATA

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