The American Thyroid Association is pleased with the success of the Hypothyroidism Symposium held March 31, 2017 in Orlando, Florida. The presentations by several thyroid experts focused on different treatments for hypothyroidism. The symposium also featured three patient representatives who spoke about their own experience with hypothyroidism and relayed the experiences of other patients in their organizations. Speakers recognized that current treatments, including levothyroxine alone, does not seem ideal for all, with a significant number of patients continuing to have symptoms and experiencing quality of life challenges.
We are particularly grateful to the more than 12,000 patients with hypothyroidism that responded to the survey made available online prior to the symposium. Preliminary results were discussed during the symposium which confirmed the need for better understanding of the treatments for hypothyroidism. The organizers of the symposium will further analyze the survey results in greater detail and a complete report will soon be available.
The American Thyroid Association heard the message from patients, understood their concerns, and is determined to accelerate research on treatments for hypothyroidism. Partnering with patients and patients groups is key to our collective success.
Thanks again for your participation in the survey.
The American Thyroid Association