Member Resources

Welcome Member, Frances Lee

ATA Member Thyroid Journal Bundle Access

2025 Membership Dues!

Don’t forget – Renew Today to continue your member benefits.

If you have already renewed, thank you for continuing to make ATA your professional home.

Member Profile – Update Today!

As part of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts we have revamped our member profiles and are encouraging all members to update their demographics information.  Access your profile today.

Thyroid Timeline

ATA member Dr. Valerie Galton is leading an effort to create a comprehensive timeline that celebrates the history of ATA and thyroidology.  If you have an idea for a historical milestone that we should include, please let us know through this submission form.

Guidelines Policies & Volunteer Forms

ATA Guidelines & Statements Policies and Procedures
Learn more about the policies for COI, Financial Disclosures and the Code of Conduct for the creation of ATA’s guidelines and statements.   Access the Policies & Procedures document (PDF File).

ATA® Volunteer Conflict of Interest & Disclosure Forms – to be completed annually (or when your status changes) by all ATA® Committee, Task Force, Working Group and Writing Group Members. Please complete all forms through your ATA profile.

2018 ATA Volunteer Forms