Charles H. Emerson, M.D. President, American Thyroid Association |
President's Update
April 2018
In last month's ATA Signal our esteemed Secretary and COO, Vic Bernet noted the onset of Spring, the selection of Dr. Jacqueline Jonklaas as the ATA Board's recommendation to succeed him as ATA Secretary, the need for members to nominate worthy candidates for the ATA's awards, and the very successful recent ATA Spring Satellite Symposia that was held on March 16, 2018 in conjunction with the Endocrine Society's annual meeting. These and other activities, too numerous or in their embryonic stage to mention, all reflect not only the work of committee members, but also the diligent leadership of Dr. Bernet, the support of Bobbi Smith and the ATA staff, and the guidance provided by the Board's committee and task force liaisons.
My last newsletter promised to comment further on the nature of the 23 ATA committees. In doing so, I apologize for focusing only on a few, emphasize that this is not an effort to rank committees in importance, and note that these comments are simply opinions that are open to correction and refinement.