N. David Charkes donates personal library to ATA

The ATA expresses its gratitude for the generous contribution of books on thyroidology to add to the Clark T. Sawin History and Archives Collection.

"The N. David Charkes library of American and International Thyroidology"

"...a time to sow and a time to reap..."

I would like to say that I am delighted to be able to present this library to the American Thyroid Association for use by its members and other researchers in the biology, chemistry, physiology, history, and clinical applications of the thyroid gland and its hormones in health and disease, and indeed I am - but in fact I am ambivalent.

Ever since I became involved in the practice of thyroidology at the University of Maryland Hospital in Baltimore MD under the aegis of Drs. Joseph Workman and John Wiswell I felt an inner need to imbue myself with as much knowledge of the field as I could possibly muster, and so I began collecting and reading as many volumes of current and past practices as I could find - volumes which constitute the contents of this library.

The volumes are principally by American authors, with a representation of international conferences and 19C French sources.

This library is part of me, and it is with deep feelings that I present it to ATA for use by members and, possibly, nonmember researchers (at the discretion of the ATA) who I trust will derive as much pleasure and knowledge from it as I have had.

I leave it up to the ATA to decide how to implement the usage of this library. Hopefully my gift will encourage other ATA members to make donations to fill in the blanks and thereby achieve a more complete account of thyroidal practice in our country, and, perhaps, internationally.

N. David Charkes MD, FACP
Member, ATA
Emeritus Research Professor of Nuclear Medicine Professor of Medicine (ret.)
Temple University Hospital
Philadelphia PA 19140
FAX 215-707-2059
Phone 215-707-7078 (Home 610-642-1719)
email: david.charkes@temple.edu