2012 ATA BallotThis notice is a reminder that you have the opportunity to vote for ATA Officers and Directors until mid-September. You should have already received an email from Survey Monkey with the ballot. You will find the election guide and the proposed bylaws revisions online. Discussion and approval of the bylaw changes will take place at the ATA annual membership meeting. Candidates for president-elect are Hossein Gharib, MD, and Robert C. Smallridge, MD. Candidate for Treasurer-elect to be elected by acclamation is Gregory W. Randolph, MD, FACS. For the first time this year, the ATA will be selecting directors from a specific category. You will vote for one of two candidates for the following 2 categories: Practicing Clinician and At-Large. For director in the category of Practicing Clinician: Jennifer E. Lawrence MD, FACE and Susan A. Sherman, MD. For director selected At-Large: Stephanie A. Fish, MD and James V. Hennessey, MD. Results of the vote will be announced during the ATA Annual Business Meeting on Thursday, September 20, 2012 (6:15 — 7:15 pm) at the 82nd Annual Meeting in Québec City, PQ Canada. As an Active or Senior Member in good-standing of the ATA you have the privilege of selecting the president-elect, treasurer-elect and the ATA Board of Directors by casting your vote. ATA WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS & 108 NEW FELLOWSThe ATA welcomes 175 new members in 2012 as of July 30, 2012 (46 Active, 108 Associates , 21 Corresponding). We look forward to meeting you in Quebec City, Canada at the 82nd Annual Meeting! ATA 82nd Annual Meeting—Discount Registration Deadline: August 20, 2012, Register Now and Save! HOTEL OPTIONS: The Hilton Quebec is sold out over the ATA meeting dates. Visit the meeting site to view overflow properties options. QR CODES -- WHAT ARE THEY?QR codes, are barcode-like images that can be scanned by smartphones, that lets customers - and potential customers - instantly learn more about a business. Scanning a QR code is easy: just download a free QR code reader app for your smartphone, and take a picture of the code. To find out what application to use for your phone, we recommend doing a search for the model of your phone along with "QR reader". |
Things are shaping up for the Annual Meeting to be an exceptional and possibly record-breaking gathering. The scientific program that has been organized by Elizabeth Pearce, Doug Forrest and the members of the Program Committee will be outstanding. The venue in Quebec City will be beautiful and unique. And the interest of our members and guests, as reflected by registrations to date, abstracts submitted, and room reservations in the meeting hotels suggests that this year's meeting may set a new attendance record. It is an opportunity not-to-be-missed! more ... ![]() Volume 22, Number 8 Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2012 Volume 5, Issue 8, 2012 We are pleased to announce that the American Thyroid Association is now on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube |