Check out the ten TOP-viewed articles in 2016 for Clinical Thyroidology for the Public
1. THYROID NODULES Risk of thyroid cancer based on thyroid ultrasound findings Vol 7 Issue 1 p.6-7, Jamshid Farahiti, MD
2. HYPOTHYROIDISM Desiccated thyroid extract vs Levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism Vol 6 Issue 8 p.3, Angela M. Leung, MD, MSc
3. HYPOTHYROIDISM When is the best time to take thyroid hormone? Vol 4 Issue 5 p.7, Whitney Woodmansee, MD
4. THYROID HORMONE THERAPY Taking levothyroxine with breakfast may be fine for many patients Vol 6 Issue 11 p.4, Heather Hofflich, DO
5. THYROID CANCER High risk of thyroid cancer in patients with multinodular goiter Vol 6 Issue 11 p.6-7, Jamshid Farahiti, MD
Ten TOP-viewed CTFP articles in 2016 |
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