World Thyroid Day is May 25th
Tens of millions of people worldwide are affected by diseases of the thyroid . The thyroid gland, butterfly-shaped and located in the middle of the lower neck, produces hormones that influence every cell, tissue and organ in the body. The thyroid hormones regulate the body's metabolism — the rate at which the body produces energy from nutrients and oxygen—and affects critical body functions, such as energy level and heart rate. Read More...
May 25th is World Thyroid Day
Reasons to #Give2Thyroid
Public & Thyroid Patients
The American Thyroid Association® is dedicated to serving as an educational resource for the public by supporting thyroid research and promoting the prevention, treatment and cure of thyroid-related diseases and thyroid cancer. Help support the continuation of our patient/public education programsand resources including:
+thyroid brochures
+summarized medical literature
+endocrinologist referral
+monthly newsletters
+support links
+patient alliance community
+health and education forums
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Falls Church, Virginia 22041
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