Check out the ATA Alliance for Patient Education
Founded in 1990, the Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation offers support and resources to Graves' disease patients, their families, and health care professionals. Their mission is to find the cause of and the cure for Graves' thyroid disease through research, to improve the quality of life for persons with Graves' disease and their caregivers and to educate persons with Graves' disease, their caregivers, healthcare professionals, and the general public about Graves' disease and its treatment. The web site features a monitored bulletin board.
ATA Alliance for Patient Education |
Support thyroid research and education today !
The Ridgway Legacy Fund has been created to raise money for the ATA's "E. Chester Ridgway Trainee Conference" The ATA Ridgway Legacy Fund honors the memory of Dr. E. Chester "Chip" Ridgway, former ATA President, mentor and friend to many endocrinologists.
Support the Ridgway Legacy Fund
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American Thyroid Association
6066 Leesburg Pike Suite 550
Falls Church, Virginia 22041
e-mail: thyroid@thyroid.org
website: www.thyroid.org
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