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Clinical Thyroidology for Patients
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In this issue, the studies ask the following questions:

Friends of the ATA
Welcome to Clinical Thyroidology for the Public. In this journal, we will bring to you the most up-to-date, cutting edge thyroid research. We will be providing summaries of research studies that were discussed in a recent issue of Clinical Thyroidology, a publication of the American Thyroid Association for physicians. These summaries are present in lay language to allow the rapid dissemination of thyroid research to the widest possible audience. This means that you are getting the latest information on thyroid research and treatment almost as soon as your physicians. As always, we are happy to entertain any suggestions to improve Clinical Thyroidology for the Public so let us know what you want to see.

We also provide even faster updates of late-breaking thyroid news through Twitter at @thyroidfriends and on Facebook. Our goal is to provide patients with the tools to be the most informed thyroid patient in the waiting room.

Clinical Thyroidology for THE PUBLIC Current Issue

Thyroid Awareness


Thyroid Awareness Monthly Campaigns

The ATA will be highlighting a distinct thyroid disorder each month and a portion of the sales for Bravelets™ will be donated to the ATA. November is Hyperthyroidism Awareness Month and a bracelet is available through the ATA Marketplace to support thyroid cancer awareness and education related to thyroid disease.

Hyperthyroidism Brochure

Check it Out


News from the 84th Annual Meeting of the ATA

For your review we invite you to see the news releases and video interviews from the 84th Annual Meeting of the ATA, held October 29 – November 2, 2014 at the Hotel del Coronado in Coronado, California.

News from the 84th Annual Meeting

Bite Me Cancer


Upcoming Patient Events

GRAVES' DISEASE AND THYROID FOUNDATION Kids and Graves' Disease — Special Seminar for Parents
November 22, 2014, Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia
The Foundation's patient & family conferences are designed to help attendees learn more about Graves' Disease, thyroid eye disease, and related disorders. Guest speakers include physicians, researchers, and allied health professionals. Attendees will also be able to share their own experiences and connect with fellow patients and family members.

Calendar of Events

Support Thyroid Research


Support thyroid research and education today with your donation to the ATA!
Your support creates opportunities for thyroid education and thyroid awareness around the world! Annual contributions to the ATA provide invaluable funding for thyroid research and education for patients and professionals. How we spend your Donations...

Government employees: If you are a government employee, you can support thyroid research through the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #12088), which runs September 1st – December 15th. Government employees include: Federal, U.S. Military, U.S. Postal Service.

Local, state, county, municipal and school board employees should check with their local campaign administrator to see if the American Thyroid Association is included. When selecting which organization to contribute to, please be sure to choose CFC #12088 to designate the American Thyroid Association.

ATA is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization. Your gift is deductible according to tax law. A copy of the ATA's most recent audited financial information is available online.

You are appreciated by the American Thyroid Association for your contribution!

Give Online

American Thyroid Association
6066 Leesburg Pike Suite 550
Falls Church, Virginia 22041
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