Friends of the ATA
Welcome to our 6th year of Clinical Thyroidology for Patients, bringing to you, the patient, the most up-to-date, cutting edge thyroid research. What you read here as research studies will likely become the accepted practice in the future. Clinical Thyroidology for Patients is published on a monthly basis and includes summaries of research studies that were discussed in a recent issue of Clinical Thyroidology, a publication of the American Thyroid Association for physicians. This means that you, the patients, are getting the latest information on thyroid research and treatment almost as soon as your physicians.
We will be continuing to provide even faster updates of late-breaking thyroid news through Twitter @thyroidfriends and on Facebook. Our goal is to provide you with the tools to be the most informed thyroid patient in the waiting room. Please feel free to submit questions as well as suggestions as to how we can better serve thyroid patients.
Clinical Thyroidology for Patients 
Up-to-date information to help you understand thyroid disease through the latest research.
In this issue, the studies ask the following questions:
- Does TSH affect cholesterol levels?
- Do survivors of childhood leukemias and lymphomas have an increased risk for thyroid nodules?
- Can the TSH level predict whether a thyroid nodule is cancerous?
- Is thyroid cancer is more common in reproductive age women?
- What can gene markers tell us about thyroid cancer?
- Are Hurtle cell thyroid cancers really more aggressive?
We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Let us know what you want to see in this publication. I hope you find these summaries interesting and informative.
Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!
— Alan P. Farwell, MD
HYPOTHYROIDISM Weight gained after quitting smoking may be caused by onset of hypothyroidism?
THYROID CANCER Smoking and alcohol consumption in relation to risk of thyroid cancer in post-menopausal women
HYPOTHYROIDISM Valproic acid therapy causes subclinical hypothyroidism in children with seizure disorders |
THYROID NODULES Microcalcifications and intranodular macrocalcifications are often found on preoperative ultrasounds of papillary thyroid carcinoma
THYROID CANCER Bilateral central-node dissection with total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer often results in permanent hypoparathyroidism
The American Thyroid Association is pleased to welcome our two newest members, Thyroid Federation International and Thyroid Cancer Canada, to the Alliance for Thyroid Patient Education.

The goal of our Alliance is to provide accurate and reliable information for patients about the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of thyroid diseases.
We look forward to future collaborations and continuing to work together towards the improvement of thyroid education and resources for patients.
Support thyroid research and education today with your donation to the ATA!
The ATA exists to serve you by supporting educational information and clinical management guidelines for physicians and patients. Your contribution supports:
- ATA sponsored Clinical Management Guidelines available free online
- The latest in Thyroid Health Education for patients and the public
- Scientific research dedicated to advancing patient care
- Top-notch endocrinologists from around the world listed on physician referral for patients
- Publications of the latest clinical research: Clinical Thyroidology and Clinical Thyroidology for Patients

You are appreciated by the American Thyroid Association for your contribution!