Clinical Thyroidology for Patients Give Now
Up-to-date information to help you understand thyroid disease through the latest research.

In this issue, the studies ask the following questions:

  • What is the best way to protect your thyroid in the event of a nuclear accident?
  • Is pre-term birth a risk factor for developing hypothyroidism as an adult?
  • Should women who are considering pregnancy take extra iodine prior to getting pregnant?
  • Do thyroid nodules that have a benign appearance on ultrasound need to be biopsied?
  • Has the type of thyroid surgery changed in recent years?
  • Is a family history of any cancer a risk factor for developing thyroid cancer?
  • What is the best way to identify thyroid cancer patients who are at low risk for cancer recurrence?

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Let us know what you want to see in this publication. I hope you find these summaries interesting and informative.

— Alan P. Farwell, MD

RADIOACTIVE IODINE Radiation protection after a nuclear accident

THYROID AND PREGNANCY Pre-term birth and its relationship to hypothyroidism

THYROID AND PREGNANCY Pregnant women benefit from beginning iodine supplementation long before pregnancy

THYROID NODULES Can nodules with a benign ultrasound appearance be left alone without biopsy?

GOITER Increasing rates of total thyroidectomy for non-cancerous thyroid disorders

THYROID CANCER Is a family history of any cancer a risk for thyroid cancer?

THYROID CANCER Determining which thyroid cancer patients are at low risk for cancer recurrence

Support thyroid research and education today with your donation!

Thyroid Research and Patient Education will benefit with your donation to the ATA! The ATA exists to serve you and the public good by supporting news for patients and clinical management guidelines for physicians. Your contribution supports:

  • ATA sponsored Clinical Management Guidelines available free online
  • The latest in Thyroid Health Education for patients and the public
  • Advocacy for Thyroid Drug Safety and Efficacy
  • Scientific research dedicated to advancing patient care
  • Top-notch endocrinologists from around the world listed on physician referral for patients
  • News publication of the latest clinical research: Clinical Thyroidology and Clinical Thyroidology for Patients

So please, take a moment to Donate Today!


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