Falls Church, Virginia. Sep. 22, 2012—A spectrum of disparities exist in the surgical management of…
Falls Church, Virginia. Sep. 21, 2012 –Although age 45 is used to establish staging in…
Falls Church, Virginia. Sep. 20, 2012 –Radioactive iodine should only be used in the treatment…
Falls Church, Virginia. Sep. 22, 2012 –Next-generation sequencing analyses of the follicular variant of papillary…
Falls Church, Virginia. June 13, 2012 – The American Thyroid Association today released a policy…
El cáncer de tiroides es el cáncer endocrinológico más frecuente; sin embargo, es raro en comparación con otros cánceres. En los Estados Unidos sólo hay aproximadamente 20,000 pacientes nuevos por año. Aunque el diagnóstico de cáncer suele ser aterrador, el pronóstico para los pacientes con cáncer de tiroides es usualmente excelente.
Thyroid cancer, the most common endocrine-related cancer, presents as a lump (nodule) in the thyroid and usually does not cause any symptoms. Rarely, thyroid
cancer may cause pain, difficulty swallowing, or hoarseness.
Thyroid cancer is rare compared to other cancers. Thyroid cancer is usually very treatable and is often cured with surgery and radioactive iodine
Falls Church, Virginia. Oct. 28, 2011 – Repeated radio-ablation therapy with iodine-131 to treat metastatic…
Falls Church, Virginia. Oct. 27, 2011 – Phase 1 clinical studies of the experimental anticancer…