It is important for pediatricians to understand how TFTs are affected by obesity, when to order thyroid function tests, and when to refer.
Thyroid cancer in pediatric patients is not a rare entity, in fact it is the most common non-CNS solid tumor in childhood.
From the Butterfly Effect Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 3, July 2013
On May 9- 11, 2013, the American College of Radiology, the European Society of Radiology and the International Society of Radiology sponsored a program entitled “Global Summit on Radiological Quality and Safety. The meeting was held in Washington, DC.
Preguntas frecuentes Qué es lo que preocupa sobre la glándula tiroides y la radiación? La…
Exposición, Detección y tratamiento Qué es lo que preocupa respecto a radiación y glándula tiroides?…
The thyroid glands of children are especially sensitive to radiation. Radiation exposure appears to cause a number of different thyroid problems.
The thyroid glands of children are especially sensitive to radiation, much more so than the thyroid gland of an adult. Click here for more info.