Antonio C. Bianco, Grant Anderson, Douglas Forrest, Valerie Anne Galton DrThyroid. September 2013, ahead of…
New Rochelle, NY, September 4, 2013 —Despite tens of thousands of studies in the literature…
The ATA has released a revised and updated Hypothyroidism booklet for patients and their families. The…
Falls Church, Virginia. June 27, 2013 – The American Thyroid Association is pleased to announce the launch of its newly redesigned website The new site was designed with all ATA audiences in mind: members, health care professionals and thyroid patients.
The American Thyroid Association today released a statement advising against the ingestion of iodine and kelp supplements containing in excess of 500 mcg iodine daily. Iodine is a micronutrient required for normal thyroid function.
Iodine is a micronutrient required for normal thyroid function. Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) for iodine intake are 150 mcg in adults, 220-250 mcg in pregnant women, and 250-290 mcg in breastfeeding women in the U.S. (1,2).
The American Thyroid Association, in cooperation with sister international thyroid societies, the European Thyroid Association (, the Asia & Oceania Thyroid Association (, and the Latin American Thyroid Society ( , recognizes the 6th Annual World Thyroid Day, May 25, 2013.
Malignancy Less Likely in Incidentally Discovered Thyroid Nodules Thyroid Screening Neglected in Hypercholesterolemia New guidance…
Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and leaders of the American Thyroid Association and Physicians for Social Responsibility wrote White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director John Holdren, urging him to overturn the Bush administration’s decision not to implement the decade-old law that requires the supply of radiation “emergency pills” to U.S. citizens who live within 20 miles of a nuclear power plant.
We have this morning received additional information from Pfizer regarding the unavailability of LEVOXYL that…