Thyroid cancer in pediatric patients is not a rare entity, in fact it is the most common non-CNS solid tumor in childhood.
Thyroid cancer in pediatric patients is not a rare entity, in fact it is the most common non-CNS solid tumor in childhood.
ATA recognizes these esteemed clinicians and researchers recognized for their contributions to American Thyroid Association, thyroid cancer and thyroid disease research.
Catherine F. Sinclair, MD, has been appointed the next Editor-in-Chief of VideoEndocrinology™, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Familial non-medullary thyroid cancer (FNMTC) constitutes 3–9% of all thyroid cancer cases and is divided into syndromic and non-syndromic FNMTC.
After receiving a diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer, intuitively, the thought has been that surgery is the next step. While this was the standard in the past, we now know that in specific situations immediate surgery may not be necessary.
The the Women Advancing Thyroid Research Award recognizes young women that are leading outstanding thyroid research.
Patients who have been affected by the TEPEZZA supply disruption can talk with their doctor…
Thyroid Health Blog: Congenital Hypothyroidism awareness: The importance of newborn screening
Submit your thyroid-related research and case presentations for ATA’s 2021 Annual Meeting (virtual). The first submission deadline is June 19.
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