support thyroid research

Clinical Thyroidology


Clinical Thyroidology Will Be Bundled with Thyroid and VideoEndocrinology


Clinical Thyroidology (CT) is changing. This outstanding summary publication from the American Thyroid Association has, since its inception, been offered to subscribers without a subscription fee. Because of its growing reputation and success, the ATA has made the decision to bundle CT with our field-leading scientific journal Thyroid and with a new video journal entitled VideoEndocrinology, the first video journal within our specialty. As a result of this decision, effective early next year, CT will no longer be provided without a subscription.

I am happy to say, however, that you will still be able to receive and read CT through one of several pathways:

  1. If you are an ATA member, you will receive all three journals, including CT, as a benefit of your membership; this will occur without any increase in membership dues.
  2. Your local medical library will include CT in its listings if it subscribes to Thyroid. Thus, if you have access to Thyroid through your library, you will automatically have access to CT. Actually, many of you very likely already have access to Thyroid through your library and read articles from it through them. You will also find CT there as soon as the package is offered.
  3. If you are not a current member of ATA, you may join the ATA, and all three journals will be provided as a benefit of membership. To help you decide whether ATA membership is of interest to you, we will be offering a trial ATA membership for a small subscription fee and a 6-month duration. This will allow electronic access to our website, including the members-only portion of the site, where you can access CT along with Thyroid and VideoEndocrinology as well as a wealth of additional information, such as guidelines, press releases, white papers, industry-related announcements, committee news, patient education documents, and meeting planning items. We hope that all of you who are not already ATA members will take advantage of this offer, and through the trial membership find that full ATA membership will enhance your professional life and livelihood.
  4. You may personally subscribe to Thyroid and receive all three journals as part of the package. However, this will be more expensive than ATA membership, so I encourage you to take advantage of the trial ATA membership above and join the ATA instead.

We wish to thank you for your readership and support of CT. Our goal is to continue to provide the excellent content you have enjoyed while growing and further improving it, resulting in CT becoming a fully indexed journal. Thanks to the outstanding efforts of editor Jerry Hershman and his editorial board you can look forward to enjoying ever improving CT throughout your career.

John C. Morris
American Thyroid Association