Please tell your thyroidologist that the ATA referred you!
The American Thyroid Association® does not guarantee and is not responsible for the services of physicians listed in this “Find a Specialist” resource. The physicians and surgeons listed have indicated their willingness to be listed in this section as accepting new patients. Listing in this section is not, and does not intend to be, an endorsement by the American Thyroid Association of the quality and competence of persons who are listed or not listed.
Patients who seek to identify a thyroid specialist may also use other professional websites to confirm the doctor’s professional licensure and board certification statuses. To find out if your doctor – or a doctor you are considering – is Board Certified by a Member Board of the American Board of Medical Specialties (includes internists, endocrinologists, surgeons, otolaryngologists, nuclear medicine, pediatrics, ophthalmology) go to or call toll-free 1-866-275-2267. For internal medicine only, go to the American Board of Internal Medicine at